But I digress...
The M3 Predator is the pistol that Commander Shepard and many other characters use throughout the game. The design looked simple enough so I decided to have a crack at it whilst studying for my high school finals to keep me sane.
Day 1
I started by drawing up a quick and dirty set of blueprints. If you'r interested in crafting an M3, I suggest you look for blueprints of superior quality elsewhere but if your desperate here are mine.
Realising that I was not happy with the thickness, I traced and cut out another two pistol body's from 5mm MDF.
I then glued the 15mm piece to the thinner 5mm piece. I decided to glue them one at a time so that I could experiment with the thickness's to figure out what felt right.
I was losing light fast so I decided to call it a day.
Total build time so far: approx 1hr
Total expenditure: $0
stay tuned for part two coming in the next couple of days.